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- /* @(#)nlm_prot.x 2.1 88/08/01 4.0 RPCSRC */
- /* @(#)nlm_prot.x 1.8 87/09/21 Copyr 1987 Sun Micro */
- /*
- * Network lock manager protocol definition
- * Copyright (C) 1986 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- *
- * protocol used between local lock manager and remote lock manager
- */
- #ifdef RPC_HDR
- %#define LM_MAXSTRLEN 1024
- #endif
- /*
- * status of a call to the lock manager
- */
- enum nlm_stats {
- nlm_granted = 0,
- nlm_denied = 1,
- nlm_denied_nolocks = 2,
- nlm_blocked = 3,
- nlm_denied_grace_period = 4
- };
- struct nlm_holder {
- bool exclusive;
- int svid;
- netobj oh;
- unsigned l_offset;
- unsigned l_len;
- };
- union nlm_testrply switch (nlm_stats stat) {
- case nlm_denied:
- struct nlm_holder holder;
- default:
- void;
- };
- struct nlm_stat {
- nlm_stats stat;
- };
- struct nlm_res {
- netobj cookie;
- nlm_stat stat;
- };
- struct nlm_testres {
- netobj cookie;
- nlm_testrply stat;
- };
- struct nlm_lock {
- string caller_name<LM_MAXSTRLEN>;
- netobj fh; /* identify a file */
- netobj oh; /* identify owner of a lock */
- int svid; /* generated from pid for svid */
- unsigned l_offset;
- unsigned l_len;
- };
- struct nlm_lockargs {
- netobj cookie;
- bool block;
- bool exclusive;
- struct nlm_lock alock;
- bool reclaim; /* used for recovering locks */
- int state; /* specify local status monitor state */
- };
- struct nlm_cancargs {
- netobj cookie;
- bool block;
- bool exclusive;
- struct nlm_lock alock;
- };
- struct nlm_testargs {
- netobj cookie;
- bool exclusive;
- struct nlm_lock alock;
- };
- struct nlm_unlockargs {
- netobj cookie;
- struct nlm_lock alock;
- };
- #ifdef RPC_HDR
- %/*
- % * The following enums are actually bit encoded for efficient
- % * boolean algebra.... DON'T change them.....
- % */
- #endif
- enum fsh_mode {
- fsm_DN = 0, /* deny none */
- fsm_DR = 1, /* deny read */
- fsm_DW = 2, /* deny write */
- fsm_DRW = 3 /* deny read/write */
- };
- enum fsh_access {
- fsa_NONE = 0, /* for completeness */
- fsa_R = 1, /* read only */
- fsa_W = 2, /* write only */
- fsa_RW = 3 /* read/write */
- };
- struct nlm_share {
- string caller_name<LM_MAXSTRLEN>;
- netobj fh;
- netobj oh;
- fsh_mode mode;
- fsh_access access;
- };
- struct nlm_shareargs {
- netobj cookie;
- nlm_share share;
- bool reclaim;
- };
- struct nlm_shareres {
- netobj cookie;
- nlm_stats stat;
- int sequence;
- };
- struct nlm_notify {
- string name<MAXNAMELEN>;
- long state;
- };
- /*
- * Over-the-wire protocol used between the network lock managers
- */
- program NLM_PROG {
- version NLM_VERS {
- nlm_testres NLM_TEST(struct nlm_testargs) = 1;
- nlm_res NLM_LOCK(struct nlm_lockargs) = 2;
- nlm_res NLM_CANCEL(struct nlm_cancargs) = 3;
- nlm_res NLM_UNLOCK(struct nlm_unlockargs) = 4;
- /*
- * remote lock manager call-back to grant lock
- */
- nlm_res NLM_GRANTED(struct nlm_testargs)= 5;
- /*
- * message passing style of requesting lock
- */
- void NLM_TEST_MSG(struct nlm_testargs) = 6;
- void NLM_LOCK_MSG(struct nlm_lockargs) = 7;
- void NLM_CANCEL_MSG(struct nlm_cancargs) =8;
- void NLM_UNLOCK_MSG(struct nlm_unlockargs) = 9;
- void NLM_GRANTED_MSG(struct nlm_testargs) = 10;
- void NLM_TEST_RES(nlm_testres) = 11;
- void NLM_LOCK_RES(nlm_res) = 12;
- void NLM_CANCEL_RES(nlm_res) = 13;
- void NLM_UNLOCK_RES(nlm_res) = 14;
- void NLM_GRANTED_RES(nlm_res) = 15;
- } = 1;
- version NLM_VERSX {
- nlm_shareres NLM_SHARE(nlm_shareargs) = 20;
- nlm_shareres NLM_UNSHARE(nlm_shareargs) = 21;
- nlm_res NLM_NM_LOCK(nlm_lockargs) = 22;
- void NLM_FREE_ALL(nlm_notify) = 23;
- } = 3;
- } = 100021;